понедельник, 19 августа 2013 г.

Freelancer’s Guide.

The tendency toward freelancing in 21st century is the result of social emancipation. A modern man wishes to be independent and flexible not only in his private life but also in his career. I think freelancing must be a work model in 21st century. 

But there are pros and cons of freelancing. On the one hand, it is a good chance to turn hobby to business, do what you love and get paid for it. For most people it sounds like a dream come true. I am not exception :) . On the other hand, it is risky since you have no parachute. If your business crashes, you will fall with it. 

For the reason to both inspire and protect, there is a guide exclusively designed for novice freelancers. The following tips will help to reveal your potential and leave a trace in your career and in society. 

Focus on something you love 

“Love what you do and you’ll be successful”. And it really works. There are so many examples that can be evidence even in my short experience life. 

I have a friend. Her name is Valery. We were classmates at the Linguistic University. We studied English, German, Chinese, and Economics. She was always lagging behind in all subjects. But she had a hobby – dancing. Dancing was all her life. She spent all the time training, training and again training… Once she came to her parents and said: “I can’t stand it anymore. I hate the University you chose for me. I hate this life. I am going to make my living with dance”. Everybody was shocked and astonished. Nobody took her side and her behavior drew only disapproving glances. But her passion was stronger and she did make it – succeeded. In 3 years she opened her own dance school. Now I am a member of her school and after trainings I am full of energy and inspiration and I really understand that she is living her life, not somebody else’s. Once she said: “I can’t understand why people don’t do what they have passion for. It makes absolutely no sense at all”. 

Slowly start turning your hobby into a money-making venture 

There are some vital steps to take before you quit your job: 

• Research your business idea 
• Create a business plan 
• Hone your skill 
• Start part-time business 
• Keep your current job 
• Market yourself 

Dream and set unrealistic goals 

Unreal goals mean adrenaline in your blood and endurance in your mind. And you are able to overcome unbearable difficulties. Ordinary goals can’t inspire and charge you with necessary energy. 

Be inspired, discover your muse 

When you are starting, it is rather a good idea to follow or be friends with an experienced professional in your sphere, whose achievements you appreciate. That person can teach you or reveal some secrets of the job, can introduce you to his friends who are the most like you and finally can recommend you. With his help you can be easily involved in the world of your dreams. 

Create a motivating working environment at home 

• Separate work and domestic life 
• Arrange your workspace 
• Add some visual stimulations, plants 
• Carefully light your work place 
• Use a whiteboard and calendar 
• Listen to music 
• Add a couch or relaxation space 

Use tools and choose them carefully 

If you are working alone and don’t have an assistant, it is wise to automate some working processes: tracking timemanaging projects, making schedules, reports, invoices and etc. But there is tons of productivity software and it must be a challenge to find the right one. So before making a decision, download free trials and carefully test the features and only then choose the one that will meet all your needs. 

Find your most productive time 

There are 2 types of people: 

• Early Bird 
• Night Owl 

Determine your fruitful hours and schedule most important tasks for that time. 

Go with the times 

Learning new things leads to new ideas. If you want to learn faster, look and live more broadly. Try to deal with people that are the least like you, travel more and be aware of new tendencies in the world. 

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary”. (Steve Jobs)

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